Charlie Brownskin


12x12 digital print on canvas , 3/4 inch Gallery Wrap.
A wise man once said “bad artists copy and great artists steal” so we committed this criminal act to bring you a series of art pieces entitled Charlie Brownskin. Overtly stolen to cleverly express how hard work, proficiency and stewardship of the 'āina can be an endearing trait for The Hawaiian people, in short, “chicks dig it when you know how ku’i kalo” This is a shameless heist of the iconic scene in the Peanuts comic strip where Lucy (pictured here as the Wahine in red) cozy’s up on the edge of Beethoven’s piano (Kane pounding poi), smitten by Beethoven’s mastery of the musical instrument and in this case the Wahine drawn to her Kane’s ability to put into practice a means to sustain himself, his family, his culture and traditions.